A six-year-old boy has become the fourth child to die after falling into an icy lake on Sunday.

The boy, along with three others, aged 11, 10 and eight, fell through the ice of a lake in Babbs Mill Park, in Kinghurst, Solihull.

West Midlands Police announced the death of three of the boys on Monday, while the death of the fourth boy, 6, was announced today after he had spent time in a critical condition in hospital.

West Midlands Police said: “It is with heartfelt sadness that we have to report this afternoon, the six-year-old in hospital has lost his fight for life.


“Our deepest sympathies are with the families and friends of those involved in this tragedy.

“We cannot comprehend the enormity of the pain they must feel and our hearts go out to them.

“Specialist officers remain in contact with the family and we will issue further information as soon as we can.

“The searches have been completed and the scene of the incident at the lake will be lifted this evening.”

At a press conference on Monday West Midlands Fire Service area commander Richard Stanton warned of the dangers frozen lakes can cause.

Mr Stanton said: “This incident is a stark reminder to us all of the dangers of open water, especially during the winter months.

“Frozen lakes, ponds, canals and reservoirs can look picturesque but they can be lethal and there are no greater warnings of this than yesterday’s tragic events.

“We would ask parents and carers to remind their children of the dangers of ice and why they must keep off it.

“Please help us to avoid this from happening again.”