An alleged Extinction Rebellion protester from Worcestershire is set to stand trial.

Addie-May Swarbrick-Schwartz, 31, is due in court next week after being charged with obstructing or disrupting persons engaged in a lawful activity.

Swarbrick-Schwartz, of The Fold in Bransford and formerly of West Side in North Littleton, is said to have trespassed onto land owned by online retailer Amazon on November 26 of last year.

She is alleged to have placed herself on a "high bamboo structure" with the intention of obstructing or disrupting. 

Worcester News: Extinction Rebellion protest in Bristol. Credit: SWNSExtinction Rebellion protest in Bristol. Credit: SWNS (Image: SWNS)

On the same day, Black Friday, police arrested dozens of climate change protesters who had caused blockades at Amazon warehouses across the country.

Extinction Rebellion said its demonstration took place at sites in Doncaster, Darlington, Newcastle, Manchester, Peterborough, Derby, Coventry, Rugeley, Dartford, Bristol, Tilbury, Milton Keynes and Dunfermline.

READ MORE: Extinction Rebellion protest at Amazon warehouse

Swarbrick-Schwartz's trial was due to take place at Nottingham Magistrates' Court on Thursday, November 17, but was subsequently adjourned.

The trial is now scheduled for Monday, November 21.