A PROMINENT member of the transgender community has aired her concerns about Rishi Sunak's plan to amend the Equality Act 2010. 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak vowed to review the Equality Act and put a stop to 'woke nonsense' in his first battle to become party leader.

Mr Sunak said he wants to preserve gendered nouns like 'woman' or 'mother by ensuring sex means biological sex in the 2010 Equality Act

This means a biological male, who identifies as a woman, will have to go by their biological sex. 

The statement has sparked anger among the transgender community in Worcestershire who have today (Thursday) held a protest in Cathedral Square.

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However, the legislation currently protects transgender people and communities as they are one of the most underrepresented communities across the country.

The law means people with protected characteristics are not discriminated against 

Councillor Robyn Norfolk said: "Amending the Equality Act serves no purpose other than to distract from the actions of a failing government.

Worcester News: Trans Rights protesters will be lining the streets of Worcester todayTrans Rights protesters will be lining the streets of Worcester today (Image: PA)

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"A Tory MP, in a recent private conversation, told me he regretted the use of trans people in the culture war between the right and left.

"Any changes to the Equality Act will leave the country’s reputation for supporting LGBT+ rights in tatters.

"Prime Minister Johnson, even at his most desperate, made no mention of changes to the Equality Act.

"Prime Minister Truss, only weeks ago, told us there would be no changes to the Equality Act.

"Prime Minister Sunak's threats to strip rights from the trans community as reported in the Telegraph are nothing more than dog whistle politics.

"This is typical behaviour from this government who only at the beginning of the year U-turned on conversion therapy not once, but three times.

"Amending the Equality Act serves no purpose other than to distract from the actions of a failing government.

"If the government feels able to remove rights from trans people, what’s to stop it from removing rights from other protected characteristics in order to serve their needs?

"How will we defend those who do not conform to patriarchal standards of beauty from discrimination? Weakening the rights of trans people will reinforce existing bigotry towards the trans community."