CLEANING Worcester's streets in the early hours of the morning could help solve the city's gull problem but is not practical because of rowdy revellers.

Worcester City Council's environmental health manager Martin Gillies said collecting rubbish, particularly from takeaways, at 3am had previously been considered.

He said: "The problem we've got in doing that is from a health and safety point of view because in the past we've had street cleaning vehicles turned over by groups of lads coming out of nightclubs."

Mr Gillies also said crews working anti-social hours would cost a premium, which he said was unfeasible with current budgets.

Litter, particularly that generated by the late-night economy, is recognised as a major food source for nuisance gulls.

Mr Gillies was responding to criticisms from Guy Merchant, of the Pigeon Control Advisory Service (PiCAS), who contacted your Worcester News after we reported on plans to reduce the number of gulls by a process known as egg oiling.

Mr Merchant said his organisation gave the council advice on reducing the city's gull population five years ago, including the suggestion for a late night cleaning service at weekends.

He also accused the council of "short changing" property owners by sending them to expensive pest control companies instead of recommending PiCAS.

He said: "We were disappointed with the response of the council as a whole.

"At the time (pre-2004), we offered a completely free advisory service to property owners.

"The council said they would provide the details to anyone with a complaint and we would provide a free and independent advice as to how to deal with the problem.

"But since 2002 not one single property owner has been sent to us."

However, Mr Gillies said, at the time, the city council had no funding to implement any of PiCAS's ideas and pointed out the council is not legally required to deal with the issue.

He said: "We have handed out information produced by PiCAS but the city council have never given an undertaking to act as a contact for them.

"We don't have a suppliers list.

"If any property owners contact us we add them to our egg oiling programme."