Children in Worcester have been finding teddy bears left around the city in memory of a little girl who died last year.

Stevie Graham died last June aged just three, with doctors later finding that the toddler had an internal herniated bowel.

Since then, Stevie’s parents Barri and Naomi have been working hard for the community as a way of honouring their daughter’s legacy.

They have raised funds for the nursery Stevie attended, Little Lodge Nursery, and started the process of launching a charity to help other parents who have lost toddlers, Stevie Stones.

READ MORE: Worcester family's grief at sudden death of three-year-old

They have also been giving away toys they would have otherwise bought for Stevie, by leaving them for other children to find.

And they have been well received too, with parents posting on Facebook that their children had found teddies - and on learning Stevie's story, wishing her a 'happy heavenly birthday'.

One mum told her daughter the toy had been "left by an angel".

“Last year we had a load of toys that we’d bought for Stevie’s fourth birthday, and when she didn’t quite make it that far, we thought we’d give them away,” said Barri.

Working to make Stevie Stones a registered charity

“This year we thought we’d do it again so we’ve spent a bit of money over the course of the year and have been leaving toys and cards with our details on so we can raise a bit of awareness at the same time.

“We’re going to make it an annual thing now. My vision is that in a few years’ time, people will look forward to Stevie’s birthday and maybe finding a toy.”

Barri said Stevie Stones isn’t a registered charity just yet but the process is underway.

READ MORE: Parents of tragic toddler Stevie Graham launch fundraiser

The couple have already helped one grieving family to buy a memorial urn and another to have a headstone installed for their son.

“We don’t want to just be a faceless organisation,” said Barri. “We are people who have been through all of this.

“We understand the pressures that families are under and the financial impact of laying a loved one to rest. We want Stevie’s name to be associated with being there for people and helping them up.”

You can still donate to help Barri and Naomi launch the Stevie Stones charity by going to