THE public will be given the chance to have a say on a huge new plan which marks out where tens of thousands of new homes will be built across the county in the next 20 years.

The reviewed South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP), which sets out how more than 11,000 new homes will be built by 2041, includes plans for a huge new 5,000-home town at Worcestershire Parkway station near Worcester and a massive new 2,000-home town at Throckmorton Airfield near Pershore, and an extra 1,000 new homes in Rushwick.

The plan has been discussed and backed by councillors from the three south Worcestershire councils – Worcester City Council, Malvern Hills District Council and Wychavon District Council – with the revisions to go before the public for a final say on its ‘legal soundness.’

Comments on the plan can be made until midnight on December 13.

Events on the new homes in Rushwick and new Worcestershire Parkway town, proposed in the SDWP, will be held between 12pm and 8pm at Rushwick Village Hall in Bransford Road on November 3 and during the same times at Norton Parish Hall in Wadborough Road on November 9.

Another event on the new Throckmorton town will be held Bishampton Village Hall between 1pm and 8pm on November 14.

The findings of the six-week consultation will then go to the government’s planning inspectorate for a last check and the final seal of approval before it is formally adopted in late 2023.

Cllr David Harrison, chair of the South Worcestershire Development Plan joint advisory panel, said: “At this stage we are seeking views on whether people feel the plan meets the test of soundness and is legally compliant.

“We cannot make changes to the plan at this time; however, all comments will be passed to the planning inspectorate for consideration.

“There is a lot of information available through the SWDP website and in local libraries to help people understand what is being proposed and how to comment.

“I urge people to get involved with the consultation and to make their views known.”

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