CONCERNS have been raised over a plan to build a ‘modern’ glass extension above a grade-II listed Georgian building.

The work would see a modern glass and metal extension built on top of Thorneloe House off Barbourne Road in Worcester.

The application also asks for permission to build four two-bed homes behind the grade II-listed building.

Several objections have been raised again the plan saying it would “ruin” the look of the listed building.

But despite the concerns from neighbours, Paul Collins, the council’s conservation officer, said the ‘modern’ glass extension would not ruin the listed building.

“It is considered that this proposal will lead to ‘less than substantial harm’ to the significance of the heritage asset and will have a neutral to slightly positive impact upon the conservation area,” he said during consultation on the plan.

One objection to the council from a resident in Barbourne Road said: “In the 200-plus years they have stood, every planner, conservation officer and architect has sought to protect the facades and not harm them in any way.

“The buildings have all be developed over the years but all such development has been kept to the rear of the buildings to preserve these attractive and important facades.

“The addition of a large modern, glass, metal and slate structure over the top of such a facade is not complimentary to either this or the neighbouring buildings and in fact harms the appearance of the historic buildings in this prominent area of the city.

“There is no similar addition to the frontage of any Georgian building in the locality and its introduction would be a highly unsuitable precedent to set.”

Another objector, Amy Evans of Brewery Walk, said: “I was under the impression this was a listed building? How can this sort of construction be allowed on such an old property, in a prominent position on the approach to Worcester city?

“Such a shame to ruin the Georgian facade.”

You can still have your say on the plan by visiting Worcester City Council’s website. The application number is 22/00886/FUL and consultation ends on November 11.