Talented young street dancers from Worcester have been crowned world champions after competing in a series of challenging heats.

Beat Breakerz school of dance claimed the top prize at the street dance ‘BDO (British Dance Organisation) World Championships 2022’ held across two days in Crawley.

Up against another nine crews from across the country – and already impressing after making it to the finals – the team were delighted to win first place.

Amie Harris, who set up the school in 2013, said: “We were in 14&U amateur heat, which meant we had placed first in a lower category in previous regional competitions.

“The competition was so tough with dancers who were all mostly 13 to 14-years-old.

“Beat Breakerz street crew vary in ages, our youngest dancer is 11 and the oldest 18.

“So you can imagine how young some of our dancers were.”

Amie said the competition had been tough – and winning felt surreal.

She continued: “We were crowned first place which makes us ‘BDO British World Champions 2022’!

“We are so buzzing about this achievement and it still doesn’t feel real.

“The hard work we’ve put in and the hours have been crazy, but the hard work was credited with this amazing result.

“Our dancers also competed in solo, duo and quad heats, some dancers placing first in every category."

The dancers continued to train throughout the pandemic – with sessions mainly taking place over Zoom.

“We have faced so many challenges and struggled with the prospect of the unknown of when we could dance again as a team,” Amie added.

“But we have all come back fighting with the passion from dance.

“I have been so focussed and worked unbelievably hard to provide all of these opportunities to our dancers.

“We are so proud to be from Worcester and can represent our city and show that we can do anything if we put our mind to it.

“I hope this inspires any young artist to believe and to work hard towards achieving your goals. “Anything is possible if you truly believe.”

To find out more about Beat Breakerz school of dance – and to keep up with their international success – visit https://bdo.dance/events or search for them on Facebook or Instagram (@Beatbreakerzsod).