A YELLOW weather warning has hit areas of the UK with storms looking increasingly likely.

Despite the warnings, Worcester is likely to avoid the storms which are going to affect the east of the UK.

The Met Office has issues a yellow alert across swathes of the country warning that floods are likely.

A grey and murky day over Worcester was how today began, with outbreaks of rain at times.

The weather is set to become drier and brighter from the west later on, remaining generally light with variable winds.

Temperatures could reach highs of 17C.

It is set to remain largely dry this evening, though dreary, cloudy conditions may return for a time in the north of the West Midlands through the evening.

On Friday, showers are set to continue throughout the day, in-between sunny spells.

The spells may well be accompanied by thunder, with fairly light southeasterly winds, though breezy within showers.

Temperatures tomorrow are tipped to reach highs of 18C.

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The warning for the East of the UK has suggested there is a small chance that homes and businesses could be flooded quickly, with damage to some buildings from floodwater, lightning strikes, hail or strong winds

Where flooding or lightning strikes occur, there is also a chance of delays and some cancellations to train and bus services

There is also a chance that power cuts could occur and other services to some homes and businesses could be lost.