A MOTHER whose children were killed by the 'Monster of Worcester' has slammed a loophole in UK law which permits child killers from not serving life in prison.

Elsie Urry, mother of Paul Ralph, Dawn and Samantha who were horrifically murdered in 1973 by David McGreavy, had concerns expressed in parliament over news that Emma Tustin, stepmother of Arthur Labinjo-Hughes, may avoid life in prison.

McGreavy killed the three young children at their home in Worcester, before impaling their bodies outside on a neighbour’s fence, in Gillam Street, Rainbow Hill.

He was released from prison three years ago.

Currently, convicted killers like Emma Tustin cannot be locked up for the rest of their life.

Dr  Kieran Mullan, MP for Crewe and Nantwich, expressed Elsie's concerns on Tuesday, October 11.

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He said:" Child murder is one of the most horrific crimes and it must create unimaginable pain for the families who are left behind.

"Along with the loss of innocent life, there is the loss of a future, not just for the child but for their family.

"One such person is Elsie Urry. David McGreavy killed Elsie Urry’s children—Paul Ralph, who was four, Dawn, who was two, and nine-month-old Samantha—in 1973, at their Worcester home.

"Forgive the graphic nature of the details that I am about to give, but they need to be given—McGreavy strangled Paul Ralph, cut Dawn’s throat and fractured Samantha’s skull. The bodies of all three children were left on railings.

"Campaigning on this issue has given me the privilege of speaking to Elsie and learning how what happened has affected her. I spoke to her again yesterday, ahead of this debate, and she explained that she feels that she has been left with a lifelong sentence herself.

"It should come as no surprise that she was horrified that McGreavy was released from prison in 2019.

"She said that at the time he was sentenced she was left with the impression that he would never get out of prison and that was the sole source of comfort for her."

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Dr Mullan went on to say that he believes that all child murderers should receive life sentences instead of "forgiveness and moving on" being the answer.

Arthur Labinjo-Hughes' stepmother, Emma Tustin, 32, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 29 years for murder, while his father, Thomas Hughes, 29, was sentenced to 21 years for manslaughter in December last year.

Hughes’ jail time has been increased to 24 years after the pair both appealed against their sentences in May.

Their sentences were also challenged as being unduly lenient.