A BARMAN has made his debut in the circus ring.

Andy Crookes, who lives in Whitbourne, between Knightwick and Bromyard, and works at the nearby Wheatsheaf pub, has been mad about circus skills since he was 10 years old.

On Friday, when Billy Smart's Circus arrived in Worcester, the 21-year-old was given the chance to shine. "I started when I was little," said Mr Crookes. "I learnt how to unicycle, juggle, walk a tightrope and breathe fire.

"I got a unicycle one Christmas and I was teaching myself, then I found there was a club in Stourport which is where I picked up the rest."

Mr Crookes spent the day rehearsing his act with the professional performers and went into the ring for real in the evening.

Billy Smart's Circus, at Worcester's Pitchcroft racecourse until Tuesday, May 6, does not use animals and employs human performers from all over the world, including flying trapeze artists, aerial acrobats, ventriloquists and clowns. For tickets call the box office on 0870 4441505.