POLITICAL opinions are plentiful on our website, but we've noticed that they're spread over many stories and you may not catch every one.

So we have opened a new forum in our Your Say section where your topics and replies - and those of others, can be found in one place.

You can still post comments below our articles, but we thought that instead of losing an interesting debate as it gets older on the news pages, you might want to see all of the political discussions taking place in one easy-to-view list of topics.

This means you can see everything that's been said and you no longer have to rely on your memory of a political discussion in order to resurrect it.

You can also review and amend your previous comments or delete them altogether if you have a change of heart about something you've said.

Gone are the days of sticking to the subject that the story is about - you can say anything that's on your mind and invite the opinions of others, whether they're with you or against you.

Visit our Your Say section here and start a debate today.