Two men tried to break into a Worcester pensioner's home by poking a long stick through letterbox, Worcester Crown Court was told.

When that failed, one of them tried to shoulder open the front door but the police, alerted by a neighbour, arrived and arrested them.

Paul Raymond, 27, and Michael McGuiness, 25, both of Maple Avenue, Tolladine, pleaded guilty to attempting to break into the home of 84-year-old Harry Delahay in Avon Road, Tolladine.

They were each given a two-year community order with a requirement that they should be supervised by the probation service for the same time.

They must also take part in a drug rehabilitation programme.

Susan Cliff, prosecuting, said McGuiness had been paid £20 by Mr Delahay to do some gardening.

He was joined by Raymond, who had made attempts to get into the house.

McGuiness pleaded guilty on the basis that he had stood by instead of walking away.

Judge Alistair McCreath said it was a mean offence against an elderly man by two men with a significant criminal history.