A MAN who stored tyres at his property near Malvern without planning permission has been fined £1,000 for breaching planning laws.

Mark Smith, who owns the Homestead, Guarlford, near Malvern, was prosecuted by Malvern Hills District Council at Worcester Magistrates Court.

He was also ordered to pay £1,518 costs.

According to the council, local residents, the parish council and district councillors were all concerned about the unauthorised storage of tyres due to their unsightly appearance.

Councillor Roger Hall-Jones, portfolio holder for planning, housing and transport, said: "The tyres being stored at Guarlford are a real eyesore and the district is determined to see them removed.

"Enforcement is an important part of the council's Planning For The Future priority and the planning and legal teams have been working together to try to ensure that this matter is resolved as quickly as possible.

"The council hopes that the owner will remove the tyres as a matter of urgency or further action may be required."