A man has apologised for insulting magistrates and court workers during a foul-mouthed outburst in court.

Simeao De Pina told Worcester Magistrates Court he had not intended to upset the magistrates, prosecutor, legal adviser, probation officer and ushers with his offensive language during court proceedings the previous day.

He said sorry after being remanded in custody overnight following the incident on Wednesday.

De Pina, 30, of Sidbury, said: "I wish you could say to them my apology because my behaviour was appalling and I didn't wish any harm or upset towards the people that were in here yesterday."

De Pina had faced a charge of contempt of court but district judge Bruce Morgan accepted the "gracious" apology and said he was prepared to take it no further.

De Pina also faced allegations of resisting arrest on Tuesday, April 8, and criminal damage to the value of £30 on Wednesday, April 9. He denied those charges.

He also denied another offence of failing to surrender to bail.

De Pina was released on bail and told to return to court on Friday, June 6, to face trial.