EIGHT years ago, a Worcestershire firm was asked to help a children's bereavement charity by using their special embroidery skills.

The family-run firm Crusader Sports, which is based in Hallow, near Worcester, found out about the Noah's Ark Trust as an employee was closely involved with the charity.

Bev Cooper, from the company said: "Before that, we knew very little about it and the work they did, and we only got to know more about it when we speak to Sue Smith from the charity when she comes to see us."

Crusader Sports helps the charity by embroidering the sweaters for the teddy bears which the Trust gives to the children they are supporting.

Sue Smith, trusts and corporates fund-raising manager for Noah's Ark said: "Crusader has been loyal supporters of our work going back to 1998, embroidering the jumper of every single teddy bear which has left a residential weekend in the company of a bereaved child. Throughout the year, the Trust holds residential weekends at the Malvern Outdoor centre where children and their parents can share their experiences and remember the person who has died."

The Trust is working closely with your Worcester News in the Towards A Brighter Future Appeal, and is looking for a home in the heart of the community which it can loan on a peppercorn rent, or raise £1 million so it can buy and furnish a property.

This year, the charity is also celebrating its 10th anniversary. By getting a new base, they hope to expand their service to include therapies, a drop-in centre, workshops for children with special needs and a group work session for teenagers and children who are unable to attend the residential weekends it runs at the Malvern Outdoor Centre.

Visit www.noahsarktrust. co.uk or ring 01905 745735.