A 28-year-old woman who posted heroin in a letter to her twin brother in a top security Worcestershire jail has been jailed.

Irene Davis was arrested after her fingerprints were found on the envelope when it was examined at Long Lartin prison, Evesham, said Peter Parson, prosecuting.

Davis, of Drews House, Netheravon Close, Druids Heath, Birmingham, who admitted trying to smuggle a 'wrap' of the drug into prison, was said to have 102 previous convictions.

Judge Andrew Geddes told her at Worcester Crown Court that drugs were an "absolute menace" in prison and it was up to courts to deter attempts to smuggle them in.

An aggravating feature was her appalling record.

Defence counsel Gillian Frost said Davis had been trying to help her brother, who had been subjected to bullying. She had not undertaken commercial supply, she said.

Davis was locked up for two years.