A WORCESTER beauty salon is celebrating its 25th anniversary with a series of fun events and giveaways.

Award-winning beauty salon Beautique in Friar Street will celebrate its milestone anniversary tomorrow.

The celebrations planned include a £25 Beautique gift voucher for anyone born on the same day as the business - May 3, 1983. Just bring your birth certificate to claim your prize any day during May.

On every Saturday throughout the month, all the salon's therapists will be stepping back in time and dressing up in 1980s fashions. Clients will also be encouraged to join in the fun with a prize being awarded to the client with the best retro outfit.

Salon owner Anita Wilson said: "Beautique started with me working in one room over Bottles Wine Bar (now Café Rouge). The fact that we are celebrating our silver anniversary is testament to the professionalism and dedication of my team of therapists."