YOUNGSTERS have been warned to stay away from railway tracks after three youths were spotted playing chicken on the line near Droitwich.

Dozens of trains were delayed at around 6pm on Monday, April 28, after a driver reported that one of the youngsters was standing in the middle of the track as the train approached.

Keith Lumley, spokesman for Network Rail, said: "There were three youths with a dog involved between Droitwich Spa and Stoke Works.

"They had tied the dog to a wooden bridge and one of the youths stood in the middle of the track playing chicken."

The British Transport Police were called and a second driver reported the track was clear at 6.15pm but the situation still caused 28 trains to be delayed for an average of 10 minutes each.

Mr Lumley said: "Most railway crime is committed by young men aged between 10 and 16.

"Sometimes it's chicken, sometimes it's taking short cuts.

"It's very stupid because mainline trains bearing down on you at 100 miles an hour will take one and a half miles, or the equivalent of 24 football pitches, to stop.

"Sometimes people slip or leave it too late and we get something in the region of 60 children per year - or one a week - killed on railway lines doing something they shouldn't."