TAXPAYERS keen to keep tabs on how Worcestershire's councils are spending their cash could be interested in a new campaign group.

The county is getting its first TaxPayers' Alliance (TPA) branch after a successful activists' meeting at Worcester's Fownes Hotel.

The alliance, which is based in London but has a West Midlands branch, was set up by volunteers to push for greater scrutiny of local authorities and the Government.

The TPA now boasts more than 18,000 volunteers nationally and a handful of paid staff who help run the organisation.

Fiona McEvoy, the West Midlands branch campaign agent who organised the first Worcestershire group get-together, believes there were many issues to be addressed in the country.

She said: "A lot of things came up at that meeting. It sounds like Worcestershire is a bit of a hotbed. The conversation really flowed."

A dozen like-minded people turned up to discuss how Worcestershire taxpayers' cash is spent by authorities ranging from Worcestershire County Council and West Mercia Constabulary.

The group discussed issues including planning policy, council employees' rates of pay and councillors' expenses.

Miss McEvoy said concerns over government quangos spending taxpayers' cash in rural counties and council tax spending generally were also big issues, particularly as the cost of living rises.

Doug Langdon, a self-employed personnel consultant, of Eckington. near Pershore, which is covered by Wychavon District Council, was one of the people who attended the meeting.

The 60-year-old said: "People need to take an interest in what is going on and need to feel they can have a say.

"I get pamphlets from Wychavon District Council, particularly when council tax forms come out and they are self-praising.

"I am not saying Wychavon is not one of the best-run local authorities in the country - that may be the case - but people should keep an eye on it so we are not lulled into a false sense of security."