Staying in Queenstown, the adrenaline-junkie capital of the world, it is easy to get carried away with the activities on offer.

Riverboarding was one which looked exciting, and as a confident swimmer I thought it would be fun to have a go.

As I stood on the side of the Kawarau river listening to the roar of the rapids ahead, there were no seconds thoughts.

Our guide from the Mad Dog River Boarding company briefed us on what to expect when we were in the rapids.

We were warned about currents, hidden rocks, and something described as a washing machine which I certainly did not want to come across.

The riverboarding trip started along a gentle stretch of river where we were able to get used to the board and our flippers.

But as the rapids increased, so did my heartbeat.

As I was bobbing through the raging white water, part of me wondered why I was there.

But there was no time to think as you had to look ahead, watching out for hidden rocks, choosing your route, and trying not to swallow the whole river.

After clearing the rapid, the most terrifying part was trying to get from the middle of a raging river to its calm edge.

Kicking madly, you have to face upstream and try and make it to shore.

It was exhausting.

At one point I missed the "landing point" and was being swept away.

Luckily, however, one of the guides jumped in and managed to stop me going any further.

It has to be one of the most terrifying - but exhilarating - experiences of my entire life.