WORCESTER Cathedral's bells rang out before Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's funeral.

Across Worcester city centre, the sound of the cathedral bells could be heard ringing ahead of the state funeral in London.

As the bells sounded out, crowds began to gather in Cathedral Square where a giant screen was projecting the State Funeral.

Crowds can be seen sitting on the steps of Cathedral Square, and also on seating provided by restaurants and cafes watching on.

READ MORE: Abigail McFarlane helped the public during Her Majesty The Queen's Lying In State period

Worcester News: Crowds forming in Cathedral Square for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's funeral.Crowds forming in Cathedral Square for Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II's funeral. (Image: Newsquest)

The Bourdon Bell tolled for 30 minutes prior to the funeral, then a half-muffled peal follow the funeral, as a memorial to Her Late Majesty.

The Dean of Worcester, Peter Atkinson said: "We are all deeply saddened by the death of Her Late Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, monarch for the whole of the lives of most of us.

"We give thanks to God for her life of selfless and unstinting service, to which she dedicated herself at her Coronation. 

"We give thanks too for her inspiring Christian witness.

"We pray for the Royal Family in their time of grief, and especially for our new King and Queen.

"As at so many times in the history of our city and county down the centuries, we welcome all people to come to Worcester Cathedral to give thanks, to mourn, to remember, to reflect, and to pray for God’s blessing on the new reign."