A VILLAGE school has been praised by Ofsted inspectors who said children do well.

Inspectors from the education watchdog visited Himbleton CE First School to evaluate its overall effectiveness and investigate pupils' progress in writing and science, personal development, and the use of assessment to check pupils' progress.

Evidence was gathered from discussions with pupils, members of staff and governors, observations of teaching and learning, views of parents, scrutiny of pupils' work and school documentation.

The school achieved good' grades for both the overall effectiveness of the school and the effectiveness of the foundation stage.

Headteacher Christine Gent said: "Everyone is extremely pleased with our Ofsted report. It is gratifying to have our beliefs confirmed. The outstandings' reflect that Himbleton is a great school - it is happy and successful, the curriculum is exciting and the care excellent."

Beverley Walker, chairman of governors at the school, said: "We are delighted with our Ofsted result.

"It really reinforces all the excellent work our team has done to create an innovative and nurturing learning environment for our children."

The report said pupils achieve well at "this good school".

It goes on: "Their exceptionally good personal development is due to their strong relationships with friendly members of staff and their real enjoyment of the outstanding curriculum," it said.

"The curriculum is innovative because pupils help to plan each topic, making learning meaningful. One parent was right in saying, My children have been lucky to attend such a lovely school'."

The inspectors said pupils make a good start at the school and by the end of year four standards are well above average. They said: "Good care, guidance and support from all members of staff prepares pupils well for the next stage of education and helps them to become considerate, independent individuals.

"Pupils' outstanding spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is evident in the way they respect and support others and demonstrate their excellent knowledge about safe and healthy living."


What the school does well

* Good teaching enables children to learn quickly, especially in number work and letter sounds.

* The Foundation Stage is well led and managed. There are clear plans for further development.

* Good systems for self-evaluation help leaders to have a clear and accurate understanding of what works well and how the school needs to be improved.

* Teachers work together well to provide for the pupils, although the headteacher has a very heavy workload and is aware of the need to delegate further.

* Pupils with learning difficulties and/or disabilities are supported well by teachers and assistants, enabling them to make good progress, especially in improving their speech.


* Evaluate information on how well groups of pupils are doing in all subjects to set and achieve challenging targets.

* Raise teachers' expectations for pupils' written work in science.