There are now so many varieties of tulip that you could fill up a column with them every week of the year, from the majestic upright types to the frothy, frilly and flamboyant.

Tulips also come in every colour except blue, so there's something for everyone.

A favourite is Tulipa Queen of Night', with its burgundy, almost black flowers, providing a striking contrast with acid green evergreens and sizzling wallflowers in oranges, yellows and burnt oranges.

There are some fantastic dwarf varieties, including T. Red Riding Hood', with bright flowers and crimson-striped leaves.

Alas, the slugs like this variety almost as much as people do.

Bulbs should be planted in late autumn in well-drained soil that doesn't become waterlogged.

Some varieties have to be lifted and stored after flowering, while others will bloom again if they remain in the ground.