McDonald's is donating half a million free books to disadvantaged children across the UK this September. 

Worcester has three McDonald's in the city - Foregate Street, Hylton Road and Blackpole road. 

In light of the new school term, Mcdonald's is donating 500,000 free books to deprived areas across the UK. 

Statistics from National Literacy Trust claim that one in five children between 5-8 across the UK does not have a book of their own at home. 

As the cost of living continues to rise 87% of parents don't have a disposable income and just over half (51%) have said that books are too expensive now. 

Despite this, almost nine in 10 children said that they would be happy to get a book as a present (87.9%) and 46% of parents rate reading as one of their kid's top 3 favourite activities. 

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Michelle Graham-Clare, chief marketing officer at McDonald’s UK, said: "Our mission is to ensure all children, no matter their background, can access the joy of reading.

"Over the last ten years, we’ve given away over 140 million books to family customers in the communities we serve.

"This September, together with fantastic charity partners, we’re doing our best to ensure as many children as possible start school with a book in the home to spark that lifelong love of reading."

Worcester News: City Centre McDonald's City Centre McDonald's (Image: Newsquest)

Vernon Kay has partnered with McDonald’s to help raise awareness on the importance of children’s literacy. He said: "It’s heartbreaking to think that so many children in the UK are without books when the academic and emotional benefits of reading are so clear.

"Reading is so important to me, and it’s been an integral part of my kid’s development. When they were younger, we loved sitting down together with a good book every night before bed.

Worcester News: McDonald's: Blackpole Road McDonald's: Blackpole Road (Image: Newsquest)

“My children are lucky to have had lots of books to inspire and engage them as they’ve grown up, but for many children across the UK that’s sadly not the case.

"I’m proud to be partnering with McDonald’s, a trusted supporter of children’s literacy since 2013. McDonald’s has given away 130 million free books so far – helping to get more books into the hands of children that need them the most.”