DRAMA pupils at a Worcester school have been working on a project exploring the relationship between crime and punishment.

The year 10 GCSE pupils at Bishop Perowne CE College of Performing Arts have been looking at the ways in which the relationship has changed throughout history.

Deputy headteacher Craig Jansen said: "As part of the project they have worked with a range of organisations, including the Worcester Records Office, C&T Theatre Company, the George Marshall Museum, the Youth Offending Office and with four independent film makers.

"As a result of the project the students have developed four short docudrama' films and a collection of resource materials.

"These films and resources will eventually be brought together into a single DVD interactive resource that will be kept at the Worcester Records Office and used as a teaching and learning package throughout the county."

The project was organised in partnership with West Midlands Libraries and Archives and is now developing, through ICT, into the production of a website on which the work of the students and the resources produced will be made available to a much wider audience.