President Susan Oakley welcomed everyone to a well-attended February meeting including Rosemary Blackburn, president of Oak Apple WI who stepped in at short notice as our speaker.

Fran Merry was thanked for her pretty arrangement of spring flowers she brought for the president's table, and three birthday girls were presented with posies made by Joan Wilde.

We were reminded of our birthday meeting on the March 5, at the Bishop Allenby Hall, with a talk by Nonny James. There was a vote to meet on Wednesdays at the Bishop Allenby Hall, which was unanimously in favour and will go ahead. Mrs Blackburn talked about her interest in Japanese quilting. As well as samples of fascinating work she had accomplished over many years, she displayed a beautiful bedspread, consisting of 195 squares of patchwork. The competition of a holiday postcard was won by Jill Horne, and the raffle by Marion Norman.

Audrey Farley