A WOMAN with numerous convictions for speeding, including three times last November, interrupted a magistrate to argue her driving was not of a poor standard. 

Chantal Cutland managed to dodge a driving ban after telling magistrates she cared for her elderly mother - but was warned she would not be able to use that as an excuse if she is caught speeding again. 

The 59-year-old, of Lowell Street, Worcester, admitted a charge of exceeding the 50mph speed limit in contravention of a local traffic order when she appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court on Wednesday, (August 17), telling magistrates: "I'm bang to rights".

Worcester News: COURT: Chantal Cutland appeared at Worcester Magistrates CourtCOURT: Chantal Cutland appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court

Andy Stephens, prosecuting, told the court at 9.34am on November 24, Cutland drove a Hyundai on the A449 northbound between Ombersley and Crossway Green.

The prosecutor said Cutland triggered a camera by travelling at 59mph in a 50mph section. 

The court clerk explained to Cutland she already had 9 points on her licence, after being caught speeding three times last year in May, and twice in November. 

He said, due to the latest offending, Cutland faced a six-month driving ban unless she was able to successfully persuade magistrates there were 'exceptional hardship' reasons. 

Taking the witness box Cutland gave three reasons as to why she shouldn't be banned - her finances, voluntary work and looking after her elderly mother. 

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Cutland said she was a self-employed auditor and "80 per cent" of places she visited for work were at commercial sites difficult to get to by public transport. 

Cutland said she volunteered for Here2Help charity and at vaccination clinics, saying if she was disqualified from driving she would have to stop that. 

She said her main reason was her 82-year-old mother lived on the outskirts of Pershore, with a sporadic and unreliable bus service to get to her.

Cutland explained her mother had had falls and other emergencies recently, using her car to quickly get to her. 

Worcester News: COURT: Cutland appeared at Worcester Magistrates CourtCOURT: Cutland appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court (Image: Newsquest)

Cutland added that if banned: "In an emergency that would be a real problem."


Magistrate had to raise voice to stop Cutland talking after being interrupted


Sentencing her, Mark Armstrong, chairman of the magistrates bench, said: "Your driving last November was far below what one would expect".

Cutland interrupted saying: "It was all on that A449 road", before Mr Armstrong had to raise his voice over her, saying: "Miss Cutland, four speeding offences and three in three weeks."

Cutland was given three penalty points added to her licence totting it up to 12 - but the chairman said they were not giving her the ban. 

Mr Armstrong added: "If you commit another speeding offence you cannot use your 82-year-old mother as an excuse again."

Cutland was also fined £66, and told to pay £34 victim surcharge.