County councillor Alwyn Davies confirmed that the modified Traffic (Speed) Regulation Order for Hallow had been confirmed on August 12, 2007. He also confirmed that he would support the parish council's request for double yellow lines from north end of Ladygo Stores lay-by to south end of lay-by opposite Greenhill Lane.

Sergeant Brighton and police community support officer Nick Prosser attended the November meeting when it was reported that PC Gary Jones was no longer the local beat officer, having returned to response duties with PC Andy Hood appointed in his stead. Members gave their good wishes to PCSO Prosser who was imminently joining the regular police force.

A proposal had been received from Lower Broadheath parish council for a joint working group (Hallow, Lower Broadheath and Rushwick) for co-ordinated response to the revisions to the West Midlands Regional Spacial Strategy. It was agreed that Hallow should enter into exploratory discussions and nominated councillors Ivory and Reeves to represent the council.

A complaint had been received regarding the new lighting at Listers Garage which was brighter and less screened than that previously. The clerk was instructed to write to seek remedial action.

The council formally set its Precept for 2008-9 at £21,000 based on the budget approved.

Members requested that the village signs be cleaned.

Mr Ogle reported a proposal by the management committee of Hallow parish hall to buy replacement seating. It was likely that donations from users would be sought