THERE are many people who believe that the Tories started writing their epic suicide note the moment Edward Heath signed this country up to the Common Market back in the 1970s.

Like Blair, the girlish yachtsman was convinced of his place in history. Make a note - beware egotists with delusions of immortality. Thirty-five years on, and the Tories are still firmly nailed to a cross of their own making.

Anyway, the reason I've brought this to your attention is because I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the Labour Party is gradually doing the same thing.

Consider this A Midlands MP is holding a series of unofficial referendums on the European treaty in protest at Gordon Brown's refusal to allow a public vote.

Gisela Stuart hopes to convince the Prime Minister to honour the pledge in Labour's election manifesto to let the people decide.

She has helped organise ballots in 10 marginal constituencies on the Lisbon Treaty, which will dramatically increase the powers of the EU and create a European president.

I am greatly heartened by the fact that a number of back-bench MPs have defied the Government by proposing an amendment demanding a public vote.

They have been backed by Worcestershire MP Richard Taylor, the Independent for Wyre Forest who famously wrested the seat from a government minister.

The MPs claim the treaty is the same as the European Constitution, which Labour promised to put to a referendum.

These are interesting times. For 10 years now, Worcester MP Mike Foster has made a very nice living meekly toeing the official line.

If the momentum gathers against the latest con-trick, which way will he jump - bearing in mind an election draws ever closer?

My guess is that old Foxy will go to earth and hope the hounds will eventually lose interest.