WHAT you say about Worcestershire's mental health services will help to decide how money is spent on improving care.

A funding review has been launched by Worcestershire Primary Care Trust and Worcestershire County Council to help them create a mental health strategy that will determine spending in the county for the next five years - and they want your views.

One in six adults will suffer from a mental health problem and one in 250 will have a psychotic illness such as schizophrenia or bipolar affective disorder.

The council and primary care trust are also working with the Mental Health Partnership Trust.

Eddie Clarke, director of adult and community services at the county council, said: "Good mental health is vital to people having a strong family life and feeling a part of their community.

"When people experience mental health problems it is essential that they receive prompt and high-quality support from health and social care services."

The consultation document, Joint Commissioning Strategy for Mental Health in Worcestershire 2008-2013, is now available on the PCT website, www.worcspct.

nhs.uk and Worcestershire County Council website, www.worcestershire,gov.uk All comments should be sent by Tuesday, April 1, to Lodee Dudley, Consultant in Public Health, Worcestershire Primary Care Trust, Wildwood, Wildwood Drive, Worcester, WR5 2LG or lodee.dudley@worcspct.nhs.uk The Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership Board will then meet in early April to look at the results of the consultation exercise and agree changes to the strategy, before producing a final report in May.