Several Worcestershire schools are relaxing their uniform policies as temperatures continue to soar.

Some schools have told pupils they don’t have to wear the traditional blazer and tie and others are allowing the wearing of PE kits in place of the usual uniform.

Temperatures could reach the mid-30s at the weekend and the heatwave is set to last until the end of term next week.

Bishop Perowne C of E College in Worcester had already told pupils that blazers would not be required this week, nor tights for girls wearing skirts.

The school has now further relaxed its uniform rules.

“Due to the forecast temperatures between now and the end of term, from Wednesday, July 13 students may attend school in their PE kit should they wish to,” it said in a statement on its website.

READ MORE: Worcester is as hot as Ibiza - and it is going to get hotter

But it warned: “PE kit should be regulation and conform to our expectations. Students wearing shorts that do not extend down on to the thighs may be asked to change or home contacted for alternatives.”

Christopher Whitehead Language College in St John’s, Worcester, confirmed its students are not expected to wear blazers or ties at the moment.

At Hanley Castle High School, in Hanley Castle, near Upton, it is the last week of uniform school for pupils but they are not expected to wear their blazers.

Next week is activity week and Hanley Castle students will be wearing their own clothes.

What is a heatwave?

The Met Office describes a heatwave as an extended period of hot weather that may be accompanied by high humidity.

It has issued an amber heatwave alert for this week, which requires social and healthcare services to target specific actions at high-risk groups.

It is advising people to look out for others, especially older people, children and babies, and those with underlying health conditions.

READ MORE: Schools break up for summer early for this reason

“Close curtains on rooms that face the sun to keep indoor spaces cooler and remember it may be cooler outdoors than indoors,” it says.

“Drink plenty of fluids and avoid excess alcohol, dress appropriately for the weather and slow down when it is hot.”