Year 8C class at Brennington High School is notorious. The other children consider them stupid and joke that they should be in the X stream - hence their nickname. They have already seen off six teachers in one term and they have one aim; to rid their class of any many substitute teachers by the end of term as possible.

That is until Miss Chance, her cat and her ice-blue Smart car arrive. Unlike the teachers before her, Miss Chance appears to possess untold powers. Lessons are a little different with Miss Chance.

Suddenly the children are not so sure they want to be rid of her.

Join the X-Streamists as they embark on a journey beyond their wildest dreams. Visit a distant land, the land of Zarg and his child warriors, of strange animals and even stranger events.

Can Miss Chance, the X-Streamists and Miss Fortune, Miss Chance's surprising sister, save the day?

Can the X-Streamists become better known as the Extremists?

This book is being reviewed by the chidren of St Barnabas, Drakes Broughton.