New figures suggest that rape victims in West Mercia are rarely seeing justice with very few reports of rape leading to convictions.

Under a dozen people were convicted of rape in West Mercia in the last year but more than 1,000 new offences were recorded by police.

In a statement, DCI Emma Whitworth emphasised the commitment West Mercia Police has to working closely with the Crown Prosecution Service on the Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Joint National Action Plan to improve outcomes for victims and survivors as part of the criminal justice process. 

The Government has announced a new pilot court scheme last week in a bid to increase low prosecution and conviction rates across England and Wales.

The initiative means prosecutors, police officers and other staff at pilot courts in Newcastle, Leeds and Snaresbrook in London will receive specialist trauma training, with any conclusions learned rolled out across the country to increase the volume and speed of rape cases going through the system.

Rape Crisis said the courts are a step in the right direction to arrest "appalling prosecution rates" but that more information is needed on how they will work.

Justice Secretary Dominic Raab said that the pilot courts, which are due to be operational in October: "Will focus on improving support for victims, tackling the backlog and reducing delays".

"We’re also rolling out pre-recorded evidence faster, recruiting 1,000 sexual violence advisors, developing a 24/7 helpline and improving collaboration between police and prosecutors to ensure victims get the justice they deserve."

Jayne Butler, chief executive of Rape Crisis, said enough is not known about how the specialist courts will work and insisted a "proper consultation with specialist sexual violence support services" is needed.

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Ms Butler also highlighted how low prosecution rates have "effectively decriminalised" rape and discouraged victims from coming forward and reporting crimes.

Ms Butler said: "The vast majority of victims and survivors seeking criminal justice are being hugely let down by the system."

In West Mercia, just 2.1% of the 934 rape investigations concluded by police last year led to a charge or summons.

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If anyone is wishing to seek help, the following support services are available:

  • Worcestershire Rape and Sexual Abuse Support Centre (WRSASC) offer help and advice – details of opening hours and how to make contact are here.
  • The Glade – 0808 178 2058 offers a full range of services as well as advice on how to self-refer.  The self-referral line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year where your call will be answered by a specially trained crisis worker. Further information is available on their website.
  • If you are in immediate danger or harm call 999, or 101 if you wish to report to the police. If you feel unable to speak to a police officer in the first instance, you can report online or someone can report on your behalf.