THESE are tough times for young people seeking to take their first step on the housing ladder. As we report today, the vast majority of young families cannot afford to rent let alone buy their own homes in Worcester.

Many live with friends or parents. Some are moving away from the area to find cheaper accommodation.

A new study commissioned by Worcester, Wychavon and Malvern Hills councils suggests an ageing population and wealthier families moving here from other areas is the root cause of the problem.

We think a change in society's expectations also plays a part.

Before Margaret Thatcher's government gave people the right to buy their council houses, the number of people owning their own homes in Britain was relatively low. Now owning your own home is an expectation of the majority.

As little as 30 years ago it was common practice for couples to live with one or other set of parents after they were married.

Now the expectation of most young couple is that they will have their own homes.

We are not suggesting that the old ways were the best, merely pointing out that the demand for home ownership is far greater that at any time in the past.

There is little doubt that more affordable housing is needed in Worcester. The problem is persuading developers of the benefits of building such homes when demand for more expensive properties remains high.

  • Should there be more 'affordable' family homes in Worcester? Vote on our online poll on the main news page. Click here.