WORCESTER is a historic city bundled up with contemporary charm and interesting architecture. 

Every city has a trademark item that they are known for.

For example, Malvern's legacy comes from its spring water, while Evesham is known for its production of fruit and vegetables. 

Here are some of the best things to come out of Worcester.

Edward Elgar

Worcester News: Edward Elgar. Picture credit: Tripadvisor Edward Elgar. Picture credit: Tripadvisor

Sir Edward William Elgar was a self-taught composer who gained popularity for his continental Europe music style.

Elgar was born in Lower Broadheath, a small village just outside Worcester, on June 2 1857.

The son of a piano specialist and music shopkeeper became one of the best musicians in the UK.


Worcester News: John Guise Glove Manufacturer was based in Bath Road, shown here in 1951. Picture credit: Worcester NewsJohn Guise Glove Manufacturer was based in Bath Road, shown here in 1951. Picture credit: Worcester News

Worcester is known for its gloves when the industry reached its peak between 1790 and 1820.

Nearly half of gloves that were made in Britain originated in Worcester or neighbouring towns at the time.

Not only that but the glove-making industry was a huge source of employment in the city with over 150 manufacturers employing over 30,000 people in and around Worcester. 

Kit Harington

Kit Harington is a Worcestershire schoolboy who turned into a Hollywood megastar. 

At the age of 11, Harington moved to the outskirts of Worcestershire, in Whitbourne and attended the Chantry School in Martley and Worcester Sixth Form College.

The 35-year-old rose to fame after his role as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones and now has an estimated net worth of £10.2million after the release of Marvel's Eternals.  

It's been reported that the actor follows the Worcester Warriors and shares a fond love for the Cathedral. 


A bit of a quirky one but Hanbao was named as the 'best burger in the UK' on a viral TikTok.

People from across the country vowed to visit the burger restaurant in Foregate Street making it a must-visit destination.

Hanbao means burger in Mandarin and the restaurant aims to give diners a fusion of food from the East and West.

Visitors often give the restaurant positive reviews as one diner said: "The best burger I have had.

"This was my first visit and decided to finally go after hearing many recommendations and I was not disappointed! The food was out of this world, one of the best burgers I have ever had."

Worcestershire Sauce 

The word Worcestershire sauce is so hard to pronounce that it has been causing international chaos for years.  

Pharmacists John Wheeley Lea and William Henry Perrins created Worcestershire sauce in the first half of the 19th century.  

The sauce is described as a fermented condiment made from a base of vinegar and flavoured with anchovies, molasses, tamarind, onion, garlic, and other seasonings.