A DOG lover has had her home taken over by a mountain of donations for Ukrainian pets.

The Jordan Bear charity has received an overwhelmingly positive response with piles of donations of useful items. 

Susan Boone, founder of the Jordan Bear charity, said: "People have been going and buying armfuls of dog coats, food, leads, collars, harnesses and leaving them outside the house for us; we've had donations from Vets, we've had carloads turning up.

"The response has been staggering and we are truly humbled by the generosity and depth of feeling the situation in Ukraine has engendered in ordinary people."

Worcester News: Susan Boone's conservatory is full to the brim with donationsSusan Boone's conservatory is full to the brim with donations

The generosity of those donating means that Ms Boone's conservatory and living room have become overtaken by donations.

She added: "We started the collections in the week following the invasion of Ukraine when the television news feeds were showing evacuees carrying their dogs, cats etc with them as they fled the country.

"We realised that they would not have had the time or ability to carry with them everything that would be needed for the welfare of their pets.

"We were also very concerned over the plight of those animals that were still in shelters and rescue centres within Ukraine.

"The initial appeal was for dog food, leads, collars, feeding bowls, warm dog coats (temperatures in Ukraine were being described as brutal at -11c), bandages & dressings and dog bedding and blankets.

"Following the first shipment, which went out two weeks ago, we have been able to liaise with the people who are actually on the ground on the Polish-Ukrainian border and have revised our 'wish list' to better suit their immediate needs so, the current appeal has been expanded to include essentials for the cats, rabbits and other small animals that the predominantly apartment dwelling Ukrainians need."

Worcester News: The Jordan Bear charity's donationsThe Jordan Bear charity's donations

The charity's current appeal is for used or new: 

  • Leads, collars, harnesses for dogs and cats
  • Feeding bowls
  • Large dog coats
  • Dog and cat crates
  • Large dog beds (soft type)
  • Unopened and unused animal medications 
  • Unopened and unused bandages and dressings
  • Dog, cat, rabbit food (tinned and dry)

Ms Boone is determined to continue collecting and supporting the situation in Ukraine for as long as necessary. 

The charity is based at Jackdaw Lane, Droitwich. To help with this appeal, have a look at the Jordan Bear charity Facebook page