WE did not have our usual meeting in December as the third Tuesday falls a little too close to Christmas but instead went for a meal a week earlier at the Retreat.

Although we sat at two different long tables these were back to back so we managed to converse with each other quite easily. We did not opt for the Christmas meal but each chose from the normal menu and all seemed to enjoy their meal.

Crackers were provided and we had each brought a small gift to put in Santa's sack so all went home with a present. Our competition for the month was for the prettiest tree decoration and this was won by Leigh. A lovely start to Christmas celebrations.

We were back to normal in January on a horrid wet evening and our president warmly welcomed the members, and especially two new official members who had previously attended as visitors.

She hoped everyone had enjoyed Christmas and wished all a happy new year. She also had to act as secretary as Margaret had succumbed to one of the illnesses which are rife at the moment. We have been invited to Whittington WI's February meeting and the March meetings of North Claines and Broomhall. We shall be sending a team to the county quiz in February at Peopleton and the president and secretary's meeting will hopefully be attended by both, illness permitting. Dates were given of forthcoming events, further details of which will be given at a later date.

The Worcestershire group have twinned each WI with one in another area and we have received an invitation from Cookhill WI who are our twinning partner. However, as this meeting is in February, when travelling may possibly be difficult, we are apologising but hoping to meet later in the year. Our secretary, Margaret, was to be our speaker but as she had informed us earlier in the day of her illness, we made arrangements to play beetle and have a quiz, both bringing lots of laughter and enjoyment. Maggie won the beetle, and the quiz (with answers being makes of cars) was a three-way tie.

Lovely refreshments were provided by Leigh and Janet and the raffle was drawn. The competition for an antique of the future was won by Judith with a Twist and Shout Beatles single narrowly beating an article of clothing with a utility marque on.

The meeting closed at 9.15pm by which time it had fortunately stopped raining. Next meeting is on Tuesday, February 19, at Whittington Village Hall at 7.30pm when the speaker will be Mrs Waldron on bead jewellery. Visitors and new members are always welcome.