New speed cameras are coming to busy streets in Bedwardine Ward to tackle "rat runs" in the coming months, says a councillor.

Cllr Alan Amos confirmed that there will be a new camera on Bransford Road and another on Bromwich Road after reports of dangerous speeding in the area.

As well as this, a further four cameras have been approved for the ward of Bedwardine, which have yet to be assigned to any roads.

Cllr Amos, the Worcestershire county councillor and cabinet member with responsibility for highways and transport and city councillor for Bedwardine Ward, has said he is actively encouraging members of the community to get in touch about where they feel the cameras are most needed.

Worcester News: Cllr Alan Amos.Cllr Alan Amos.

He said: "Residents know Bedwardine best, so I am asking anyone with an opinion on where they should be placed to get in touch to help stop roads becoming rat runs.

“My division has three main roads through it – Malvern, Bromwich, and Bransford – which attract a fair amount of traffic going foo fast.

"In recent years, I have installed 10 speed cameras, more than any other area in the county, two on each of those three main roads, and others on side roads which also suffer such as Hanbury Park Road, Swinton Lane, and two in Canada Way."

Two cameras already in place on Malvern Road are also due to be upgraded, with newer technology allowing the cameras to reverse directions to track speeds coming from both ways.

Worcester News: Speed Camera. Picture Credit: (Ian West/PA)Speed Camera. Picture Credit: (Ian West/PA)

Cllr Amos also said he has "instructed County Highways" to explore a new pedestrian crossing in the Bedwardine area as well.

He said: "In addition, I am always looking to maximize pedestrian safety, particularly for the elderly and disabled, and mums with prams.

"So I have instructed County Highways to explore the possibility of a new pedestrian crossing in one of two locations, one near the Lower Wick roundabout/petrol station on Malvern Road; and one further in on Bromwich Road near the junction with Cormorant Rise.

"Both locations experience high volumes of traffic.

"Whilst we have some of the safest roads in the County, I keep the situation under constant review by collecting speed data and listening to and acting on residents’ concerns.

"We need to remain vigilant and have a flexible approach to deal with new and ongoing issues”.