Complete the pruning of greenhouse vines while they are still dormant and remove loose bark which may harbour pests.

Bring in pots of forced bulbs for indoor flowering when ready.

Protect winter-flowering bulbous irises in the garden from severe cold or damp.

Keep off the lawn when it is frozen or waterlogged.

Start forcing pots of lily bulbs for Easter and early summer flowering.

Give perennial vegetables such as asparagus, artichoke, rhubarb and seakale a dressing of general fertiliser.

Buy seed of the 'White Lisbon' variety of salad onions to sow in a glasshouse border for an early crop, or outdoors under cloches in mid February.

Water patio pots occasionally if it is windy and dry.

Place black polythene over your vegetable patch to warm up the soil for early vegetables and suppress weeds.

Cut off old leaves of hellebores at ground level so the flower stems can be more easily seen.