WORCESTER's cafes, bars and restaurants have been urged to reduce their use of single-use plastic. 

The Paul Pry, Taste of Portugal, Francini Café de Columbia and Waylands Yard, have already taken action and have been awarded ‘Plastic Free Champion’ status by the Plastic Free Worcester campaign group.

But now Worcester City Council wants to see more done to phase out single-use plastic plates, cutlery, polystyrene cups and food and beverage containers.

According to estimates, England uses 1.1 billion single-use plates and 4.25 billion items of single-use cutlery per year, but only 10% are recycled upon disposal. 

Councillor Andy Stafford, chair of Worcester City Council’s Environment Committee, said: “There is growing recognition of the damage that plastics cause to our environment and marine life in particular.

“We encourage Worcester cafes, bars and restaurants to make changes now, as the Government has signalled its intention to prohibit a much wider range of single-use plastic products in the near future.”

Peter Robinson from the Plastic Free Worcester campaign of the Worcester businesses already taking action said: “These companies really show that moving to being Plastic Free is not only do-able but also good for business.

"They have championed the cause with customers, staff and suppliers and have demonstrated what can be achieved. 

“We’re now encouraging others to follow their lead."

The Government recently ran a 12-week public consultation on proposals to phase out single-use plastic plates, cutlery, polystyrene cups and food and beverage containers.

It has already banned plastic straws, stirrers and cotton buds.

A plastic item used for a few minutes can persist in the environment for hundreds of years and endanger wildlife and habitats. When broken down into microplastics, it reaches our soils, waterways, ocean and food chains within them.

To move towards becoming a plastic-free business, a spokesperson from Worcester City Council said: "Look at where you use single use plastic in your production or retail work.

"Pick up to three items (you can choose more, but best to be successful in a small way and then build from there) that you think could be altered, removed or replaced. 

"Find alternatives from existing suppliers or on the internet."