WORCESTER'S MP has denied accepting money from Russian donors after being accused of it on social media.

Robin Walker MP has spoken out after his name was included on a list shared on Twitter by a former MP.

Ian Lucas, a former MP for Wrexham, made the accusation in a tweet this morning, saying:" You have to ask why, when Russian-linked donations were made to them, none of these MPs questioned why?"

The tweet was then shared by the former Labour MP for Worcester, Mike Foster.

Worcester News: Robin Walker, MP for Worcester.Robin Walker, MP for Worcester. (Image: Newsquest)

Robin Walker, MP for Worcester, said: "The reality is I have never received any funding from a Russian Company or a Russian Individual.

"The donation that has been brought into question was made by a UK citizen, who works for a UK company and is actually of Ukrainian descent.

"Not only is Alexander Temerko Ukranian born, but he has also widely spoken out against Vladimir Putin on a multitude of different occasions.

"Newcastle Off Shore Limited, of which he was the former Director, is who provided the donation, and they as a company have nothing at all to do with Russia.

"I think it is critically important that people are not misled, people seem to have heard or read a name they thought seemed Russian and have made this conclusion without the facts."

The list shows that Mr Walker allegedly received a total of £5000 from the donation.

The highest singular alleged total on the funding list was £48,000, awarded to the MP for Great Yarmouth.

Worcester News: Alexander Temerko in 2005 (Johnny Green/PA)Alexander Temerko in 2005 (Johnny Green/PA)

Mr Temerko is a British citizen who was born in Ukraine, which at the time was the former Soviet Union, and is a known benefactor of the Conservative Party.

The list seems to have largely been compiled from information sourced from the website, theyworkforyou.com.