THE Secretary of State for Justice has been learning how a Worcester community is tackling anti-social behaviour.

The Rt Hon Jack Straw MP paid a visit to Monarch Drive in St John's yesterday to speak to the Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator and local business owners about the problem.

Mr Straw, who is also Lord Chancellor, spoke to traders about their own experiences and asked how the Government's new dispersal orders are working in the area.

"Each of the shop owners said the dispersal orders had made a real difference in the area," he said. "I am pleased to see that the community has been working well with their local MP and the police in this area to tackle this problem.

"If you have an effective Neighbourhood Watch it can make a real difference. This is about a community saying they are not going to take this sort of behaviour and are doing something about it."

Mr Straw was invited to visit Monarch Drive by Worcester MP Mike Foster, who said the power to disperse groups of youths had had a significant impact in the area.

"I wanted to show Mr Straw one of the success stories in the city," Mr Foster said. "It is an example of how all agencies have been working with the community to tackle anti-social behaviour."

Mr Straw met St John's Neighbourhood Watch co-ordinator Graham Houghton during the visit.

Mr Houghton said: "I am glad that we had a chance to speak to the Minister. More of them should come and see the problems for themselves. We have done a lot to tackle anti-social behaviour and it has made a big difference."

Mr Straw was in Worcester yesterday primarily to meet with Judge Andrew Geddes and other judges at the Combined Court, to speak about the administration of justice.

"Worcester is doing very well when it comes to its courts," he said. "The trial rate, and the speed with which justice is administered is on target. I am here to speak to the judges about the operation of the court system."

BLOB: Mr Straw offered his sympathy to residents and businesses affected by flooding in Worcestershire. "I know this county has been badly affected over the past six months or so and I really feel for all those who were hit by the floods," he said.