AFTER the exhortation and silent tribute, the chairman wished all members a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year. A message of greetings was also passed on from our patron Charles Newton and Christine.

The chairman also recorded his thanks to Neville Fairbairn for chairing the annual meeting in his absence due to illness in November.

Our new year has started with an excellent response from our community for the 2007 Poppy Appeal collection. Once again we have beaten the previous year but this time with an even bigger margin. A magnificent total of £3,005.43 was donated by the two villages, which included static box donations and the house-to-house collections.

We also congratulate The Crown at Powick in achieving the highest static collection this year and they will be presented with the Challenge Cup very shortly.

The main subject of discussion at our meeting was to define the manner in which we will be changing our monthly pattern of Branch' meetings.

It was resolved at the annual meeting that we would have a business meeting by-monthly and alternate with a social gathering in the hope that apart from the pleasurable experience we anticipate that this will generate, we hope to encourage new members to join us.

With this in mind, please note that our next business meeting will be in March on Tuesday, March 11, at Madresfield Club as usual. A social get-together with a brief committee meeting at 7.45pm will be convened in February on February 12 and members will be advised of the venue in due course.

Future social events will follow on or near the appropriate meeting dates but in the meantime we will continue to hold our bi-monthly business meetings at Madresfield Club and in any event, our activity will continue to monitor the needs of ex-servicemen and their families in our community whether or not a business or social meeting has been convened.

January events for our diary started with the County AGM at County Hall on Saturday January 12 when the main speaker was due to be Major Butt who was due to have just returned from Afghanistan with the Mercia and Sherwood Foresters.

The next meeting will be social on Tuesday, February 12, starting at 8.15pm with a short committee meeting at 7.45pm - venue to be advised.