PRESIDENT Eileen Williams welcomed fewer members than usual to the first meeting of 2008. Best wishes were to be passed on to those unable to attend due to illness.

Speaker Ken Crump gave a most informative and thought- provoking talk about his work with the Worcester Branch of the Alzheimer's Society. He spoke about the onset of the illness and the fact that there were two people involved - the carer and the patient.

He also stressed the importance of early diagnosis if any change in the behaviour of the patient was noticed.He outlined the facilities available both for the patient and the carer in this area and that the most important thing was making the community aware of the help available. A 24-hour telephone helpline is available and there is an office providing literature.

The feelings of the whole meeting were that no one knew when this illness would strike.Members were grateful to him for widening knowledge on what was available if ever it should be needed.

Members had collected unwanted and broken jewellery which would be forwarded to the Alzheimer's Society to help with dementia care and research, as although there were theories, it was not fully understood what caused the illness.

Members were pleased to receive a new-format colour issue of Worcestershire WI News for January outlining the events and activities available and members were reminded to put their names down if interested.

Within the branch there were reminders about information required for the WI Of The Year 2007 competition, the closing date being the end of February. The usual pub lunch and walk would be held and payment was required for the dinner at Worcester Golf and Country Club on January 23. Annual subscriptions were also due. Expressions of interest were also canvassed about a break for members and friends at the Sporting and Craft Manor Hotel at Okehampton.

The president announced that a photograph of the newly refurbished Rose Bowl would be sent to the family of Joan Lewis, a long-time member and former president of the branch, after the family gave a legacy in her memory. Members with a birthday in December and January were presented with a single rose as a memento. The February meeting on the 6th was titled Ladies in Pigs.