DEAR Editor – I appreciate Mr Clarke’s response (Always two sides to a story, November 2) to my recent letter in which he stated my arguments were flawed in suggesting that the 30 per cent who chose not to vote in the 2019 General Election would have preferred a candidate other than Mr Walker. 

I certainly did not suggest this as I was merely pointing out an MP cannot argue he has the support of the majority of his constituents when so many voted for other candidates or chose not to vote at all. 

Regrettably, it seems he may have misunderstood me since I too can only speculate why all of those eligible chose not to vote.

Speaking for myself, on occasions I have chosen not to participate and will continue to reserve my right not to do so until the ridiculous situation that allows one MP to be elected with only 38,000 votes whilst it requires 866,000 to elect another remains in place (data from Make Votes Matter). 

From my limited conversations with others, I do know my views are not unique and I am also aware that some cannot see the relevance of politics at all – a massive indictment of our present system.

On the basis that there are always two sides to every debate my opinion is, that regardless of the reasons, the practical and sad reality is that under our present system of representation no one, and that includes my current MP, represents this 30 per cent.

As to the likelihood of change, all is not lost. At this year’s Labour Party conference individual delegates voted in favour of introducing proportional representation but as this was not supported by the trade unions the motion fell. Since then, however, Unite, the UK’s largest Trade Union, has now come out firmly against the First Past The Post system.

With regard to the issue of the discharge of sewage into our rivers I agree there are two sides to this issue as indeed there are to every issue. That it is why it is vital that whoever represents us in Parliament is not placed in a conflict of interest between his constituents, the government of which he is a member and his own political career. 

Mike Levins
