DEAR Editor – Mike Levin is absolutely right (Voting system needs an overhaul, October 29) that our voting system should be changed (though there is no chance that either of our two main parties will do that).

However, the arguments he makes otherwise in his letter simply do not stand up.

In suggesting that Robin Walker does not represent the views of the majority of his constituents he seems to assume that the 30 per cent or so that did not vote at the last election oppose the MP’s views.

That’s something he cannot possibly know, a real flaw in the argument.

As to the sewage issue sound arguments have been put forward as to why the House of Lords amendment to the Environment Bill was defeated in the Commons.

There is clearly an case to be made – both on the basis of cost and the risk to local households – that a better alternative has to be found, something he completely ignores.

In case there’s any doubt this is not intended as a letter of support for the Government.

It’s simply trying to point out that there are usually at least two sides to most cases, as there are here.

Peter Clarke
