A CITY man is accused of possessing an offensive weapon in public, making threats and stealing some flowers from a Worcester petrol station.

Robbie Wells of Donaldson Court, Princes Drive, Worcester, appeared before magistrates on Friday where he denied three offences alleged to have taken place at the Commandery petrol station in Bath Road, Worcester.

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The 41-year-old pleaded not guilty to using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause fear of or to provoke unlawful violence against Vejay Subre at the Texaco garage on July 16 this year.

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He further denied possession of an offensive weapon (a knife sharpener) in a public place on the same date and also theft of a bunch of flowers from the petrol station shop.

Melanie Winterflood appeared for the prosecution, Barry Newton for the defence.

A trial date was fixed of November 15 this year at Worcester Magistrates Court. The hearing is scheduled to go ahead at 2pm.

Wells was granted bail on condition he does not enter or go within the location of the petrol station.