A WORCESTER pub has been the victim of an attempted break-in this week.

The Alma Tavern, on Droitwich Road, has had an attempted break-in, which took place in the early hours of Friday morning (July 9).

The incident, which happened around 3am, is one of a trio of attempted break-ins in the area. The pub took to social media to say St Stephens Church hall on St Stephens Street and The Wishing Well Nursery on Droitwich Road were also targeted.

The Facebook post said: "It's so sad to report our community was hit by such a low life. The Wishing Well Nursery - attempted break in. The Alma Tavern - attempted break in. St Stephens Church hall broke in. Scenes of Crime currently investigating. We are going through our CCTV currently to see if it picks up anything. Stay safe everyone."

The Worcester News has contacted the businesses affected for more information. More updates to follow.