ALLEGED noisy neighbours from Worcester are due in court today after 'failing to prevent their dogs barking'.

Oliver Dakers and Ella Pearson of Worboys Road, Worcester, are both up at Worcester Magistrates Court after it is said they failed to comply with an abatement notice.

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Both face four matters each, all relating to failing to prevent their dogs barking excessively.

The prosecution is being pursued by Worcester City Council under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Read about the nuisance banned from Worcestershire

Also in Worcester Magistrates Court are alleged probation breaches including people who have failed to comply with the requirements of a community order, post-custodial supervision or a suspended sentence order. Youth matters are also being heard today including the case of a 16-year-old who us is accused of taking a motor vehicle without the owner's consent in Evesham and using that vehicle without insurance or a licence.

Yesterday at Worcester Crown Court saw life sentences handed out for murder by Judge James Burbidge QC.

Mohammed Saddam Hussain, 24, Faisal Fiaz, 21, and Adam Carpenter, 21, were found guilty of murder and conspiring to commit robbery last month.

Hussain also pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice.

Colton Bryan, 22, died of his injuries after he was stabbed five times with a 10-inch hunting knife at his flat in Guinness Close, Redditch on July 15 last year.

The man who is believed to have carried out the fatal stabbing - Mohammed Hammad Hussain - is said to have fled to Pakistan on the earliest flight he could board and is still being sought by the authorities.

All three defendants were sentenced to life imprisonment. Fiaz, of Millsbro Road, Redditch, was told he must serve a minimum of 23 years.

Hussain, of Oakfield Avenue, Birmingham, will serve a minimum of 24 years and six months. Carpenter, of Wharrington Hill, Redditch, will serve a minimum of 25 years.

Today there is the sentence of Faye Bailey and the execution of a bench warrant for Catherine Eaves. Tagmir Ramzan is also up for sentence.